Every human body has a deep memory of easeful and dynamic coordination built into its intrinsic design. This innate coordination can be explored and evoked by personal curiosity, embodied research, and releasing the tension patterns we learn through our lifetimes. In this series we will use the Contemporary Alexander Technique to tap into the regenerative effects of receiving rebound from the planet within your movement practices (yoga, strength & conditioning, dance, tai chi, anything!) and daily life. Each session will offer: - Body mapping/functional anatomy - Qualitative movement curiosity through mini movement lessons - Hands-on research about finding less tension and more coordination in your whole body - Research as to how to increase your sensory awareness and kinesthetic capacity for greater overall nervous system regulation Join for one or all of the following sessions from 5:30pm-6:45pm:
July 10 - REST
July 17- FOLDING
July 24 - BALANCE
July 31- FLOW