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Turn Tension into Ease

This class will include lots of experiential information about the movement and mechanics of your body, and how to be easeful in it. It will also look at the relative tension or ease of the larger social body and your relationship with and inside of it.

We are shaped by our conditions, our experiences, and our belief systems (chosen and inherited). We are both deeply interconnected and diverse. Our bodies are changed by our environment and the way we are embodied changes the spaces we’re in. This class will be focused on finding ease, pleasure, and belonging in your individual body and as you relate to the world.

There will also be plenty of play, time for your specific needs and desires, and a guest teacher!

Alexander Technique is a practical study of habit, coordination, movement, and choice. We all have habitual ways we use our bodies, which often are no longer serving us. Instead of simply easing symptoms, Alexander Technique addresses the structural roots of these patterns. It empowers you to relieve your own pain and tension, and rediscover ease, strength, flexibility, and joy in the activities of your life.

This class is virtual. All classes will be recorded for those not able to attend live.



Learn more about Lyra and Alexander Technique Portland here

August 5

Body Mechanics: Experiential Anatomy, Design and Practice

August 14

Turn Tension into Ease